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Jessica Talsky
Learning Strategist, K-8
Jessica Talsky was born and raised in San Francisco. Growing up, she attended a small private school from kindergarten through 7th grade. During this time, she struggled with math concepts and reading comprehension. When she began kindergarten, she tested low in reading, thus, forcing her parents to make the difficult decision to place her in pre-k for an additional year to allow her to receive additional support. She would be a year older than her peers until her college years. Although she struggled with this, she is forever grateful for her parents’ decision and allowing her the gift of time.
Jessica loved school but was continuously frustrated with the little differentiation in materials and teaching styles. Because of this, her family decided to switch schools and had her attend a larger, more traditional school for her final year of middle school. There, she was exposed to different teaching styles and became excited to learn again. The environment was very supportive, and it was here, where she understood that it was okay if she doesn’t understand new material immediately. Mistakes were even encouraged because they showed that you are practicing and trying to grasp new information.
Jessica earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Community and Regional Development from the University of California, Davis (UCD). While studying at UCD, she was tutoring elementary students at a local school near campus. She loved being in the classroom surrounded by the children’s feelings of hope, love, and eagerness to learn. She knew then, without hesitation, she was meant to become a teacher.
She went on to earn a Masters of Arts in Teaching with a specialization in Curriculum Design and Implementation from University of San Francisco. This fall, she will be beginning her 4th year teaching first grade. Prior to 1st grade, she taught kindergarten, 2nd, and 5th grade within the San Francisco Unified School District.
Jessica firmly believes that when students are surrounded by a strong sense of community, they are able to take risks and obtain leadership roles that support their growth as individuals both socially and academically. She especially enjoys teaching reading and writing because it allows students to open their hearts to the magic of stories. Stories allow individuals to escape to far away places while simultaneously expanding their critical thinking strategies that they will use in their daily lives. These stories, both fiction and non-fiction will impact children’s actions and eventually shape who they become.
She believes that each child learns differently and is continuously differentiating her instruction to meet their various learning styles. At College Advising Prep (CAP), Jessica strives to support the emotional and academic development of her students by encouraging them to explore the beauty of multiple cultures through reading, writing, and various forms of arts.
When she isn’t instilling a love for learning in her students, she can be found at sporting events. She also loves all things Disney and is an avid collector.